Jimmy Chat Architecture

Current Architecture Requirements Acknowledgment of Messages messages should have three status: sent, delivered, read. Push Notification of Messages notify offline users of new messages once their status becomes online. Chat System Component Stateful Services: chat functionality Stateless Services: other functionality except chat Third-party integration: push notification Storage generic data: user profile, user friend list -> relational Database chat data -> key value stores API Design Send Message(sender, receiver) Read Unread

Java Multithreading

前言 好久沒發文了,這次來分享一下最近上完的Udemdy課程的心得筆記,然後也附上在公司的code sharing用的講稿XD。 Section 1 Why Responsiveness on UI(can achieve by

CS Basic Knowledge

前言 因為不想每次面試的時候像是背八股文般地去準備,所以還是花些時間好好吸收,整理成自己的知識吧… 這篇提及的內容主要依照此文章提


Online-Judge-Project 前言 紀錄一下學習強者的project過程,目前完成了前端以外的部分。 先把預計要做的事情寫下來,也算是給自己一個動力完成吧! 把project


前言 雖然project的部分有點窒礙難行,不過既然都聽課了還是把筆記做好吧! CS CMU 15-445/645, Fall 2019/2021 related resources gradescope newtest_2021 my repo reference Relational Model logical layer separate from physical layer tuple/record/row mean same thing table/relation mean same thing value in tuple should