



CS CMU 15-445/645, Fall 2019/2021

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Relational Model

logical layer separate from physical layer

tuple/record/row mean same thing table/relation mean same thing value in tuple should be atomic

  • Primary key:identify a specific tuple in current relation(table)
  • Foreign key:identify a specific tuple in another relation(table)

  • Relational Algebra:Each operator takes one or more relations as its inputs and outputs a new relation.
  • join:more flexible intersection

Advanced SQL


  • Aggregate functions can only be used in the SELECT output list
  • Output of other columns outside of an aggregate is undefined. -> aggregate function only output one value

Group By

  • Aggregates records by group
  • if output clause have one aggregate function, then other non-aggregate attribute should in Group By clause


  • you can not use aggregation resulit in where clause because you don’t have that result yet


  • %:match for substring
  • _:match for character

Output Redirection

  • store output of previous query into new/existing table, schema should be match

Output Control

  • order by
  • limit

Nested Queries

  • only inner query can reference information in outer query

Window Funtion

  • aggregation(row_number) + group by(over)
  • in last example, maybe OVER() remain the same, and changeing RANK() to ROW_NUMBER() will get same result (?

Common Table Expression

  • WITH statement is much more clear than nested query IMO.

HomeWork 1(2019)

Q4也太折磨…不過看來integer也能用Strign operation的like 好吧應該就是一點數學的trick… 2010s|2789741 好像錯了? 全部總合也沒那麼多啊…

Database Storage I

  • Architecture
bottom to top(lower level to higher level):

disk manager (database itself)
file system (OS provide)
  • Storage Manager:organizes the files as a collection of pages
    1. represent data on disk
    2. move data between disk and memory
  • DataBase Pages:A page is a fixed-size block of data

Manage Pages

  1. Heap File:an unordered collection of pages
    • Linked List:suck
    • Page Directory:
  2. Sequential/Sorted File:
  3. Hashing File:

Data Layout

Page:Header + Data

  1. Tuple-oriented
    • SLOTTED PAGES:slotted array(grow top to bottom) + fixed/variable length tuple of same table(grow bottom to top)
    • tuple is assigned a unique record identifier(page_id + offset/slot)
  2. log-oriented:read operation will be slow(recreate tuple), need index(jump to locations in the log)

Tuple Layout

  • Denormalize:Store data from different tables into same page

Database Storage II

Tuple Storage

  • DBMS interpret bytes into tables attribute and its value

Data Type

  • FLOAT, REAL/DOUBLE:fast but not precise
  • NUMERIC, DECIMAL:slow but precise, use meta-data to get arbitrary precision

  • Large Values:each tuple size should not greater than page size
    1. overflow/TOAST page:has protection
    2. BLOB data type:DBMS can’t midify the content of this file, but others can -> no protection

System Catalogs

  • meta-data about database
  • store catalogs as table

Database Workloads

  • OLTP(On-Line Transaction Processing):query access only small portions of database(Write operations)
  • OLAP(On-Line Analytical Processing):query access large portions of database(Read operations)

Data Storage Model

  • N-ary Storage Model (NSM, row)
    1. store single tuple’s attributes in a page
    2. good for OLTP:queries that access small number of entire tuples
    3. not good for OLAP:some attribues that bring from disk to memory become useless in query execution
  • Decomposition Storage Model (DSM, column)
    1. store same attribute value of all tuples in a page
    2. problems:how to track each tuple’s attribute?
      1. Fixed-length Offsets:offsets
      2. Embedded Tuple Ids:use tuple identifier for each attribute

Projects Setup


origin docker engine content, 這個應該不用動?

  "features": {
    "buildkit": true
  "builder": {
    "gc": {
      "enabled": true,
      "defaultKeepStorage": "20GB"
  "experimental": false



1.3 配置本地目录挂载


docker container run -it -v /Users/jimmy/documents/CMU-DBMS/bustub-private:/bustub --name=bustub_env bustub /bin/bash


  1. docker start 8dbdbd03dfed
  2. docker exec -it 8dbdbd03dfed /bin/bash

Projects 0(2021)


throw exception請參照code base的方法…


$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ make starter_test
$ ./test/starter_test


$ make format
$ make check-lint
$ make check-clang-tidy

zip src/include/primer/p0_starter.h

local run: make check-clang-tidy

encounter following: WTF ?

Checking: /bustub/src/buffer/lru_replacer.cppppr_instance.cppll.ccc error: the clang compiler does not support ‘-march=native’ [clang-diagnostic-error]

Buffer Pools

  1. Spatial Control:often used paged be put together on disk
  2. Temporal Control:minimize times to read pages from disk

  • Buffer Pool = Memory Region = array of fixed size frame
  • Page Table:record the memory location of each page(currently in memory)、Dirty Flag、Pin/Reference Counter
  • Locks vs. Latches
    1. Lock:High level outside of database, need roll back changes
    2. Latch:Low level inside of database(critical sections), does not need roll back changes
  • Page Directory vs. Page Table
    1. Page Directory:find page location in datablase files by page id, need to be recorded on disk
    2. Page Table:mapping between page id and location in buffer pool, does not need to be recorded on disk

Buffer Pool Optimization

  • Multiple Buffer Pool
    • can use different policies for Buffer Pools
  • Prefetching
    • sequential:OS can do too
    • index:DBMS know index page meaning, so can fecth the exact pages that query wants
  • Scan Sharing
    • similar queries share same cursor
  • Buffer Pool Bypass
    • allocate other memory for sequential scan query in order not to pollute Buffer Pool
  • OS Page Cache
    • OS have same page copy on file system cache

Buffer Pool Replacement Policies

  1. LRU
  2. clock(approximate LRU)
  • both have sequential flooding problem(Least Recently Used page might be most needed page)
  1. LRU-K
  2. Localization
  3. Priority Hints
  4. Dirty Pages vs. Non-Dirty Pages
    1. non-dirty page:fast. one I/O(read needed page from disk), may be needed in future
    2. dirty page:slow. two I/O(write dirty page back to disk && read needed page from disk), often used with BACKGROUND WRITING

Projects 1(2021)

C++ mutithreading How C++ code run

  • LRUReplacer is used to store unpinned frames
  • Pin:this frame can’t become victim
  • pin_count of a page becomes 0 = no threads access this page
  • page will be pinned when NewPage() invoke
  • FetchPgImp(pin) vs. UnpinPgImp
  • NewPgImp vs. DeletePgImp
  • page_table contain pin/unpinned pages! -> Delete operation will search unpinned page in page_table!

  • domain knowledge
pages_ = buffer pools
page_table_ = {page_id, frame_id}
use frame_id to find page in pages_
free_list = unused frames
frame will be in {page_table_(buffer pools/pages_), free_list_, replacer_}, one of them
  • task #1
根據data locality,剛被訪問(pin/unpin)的page很可能再次被訪問,所以放到replacer最後面(最新)。
而每次要victime page時從最前面(最老)開始,這樣就能達成最小化disk訪問次數的目標。

Unpin(frame_id_t) : This method should be called when the pin_count of a page becomes 0.
特別重要,但在lru裡面只管移除frame,外部使用者須自己注意call Unpin的時候page的pin_count <= 0。
  • task #2
如果在buffer pool(pages_)裡,pin完後直接return page。
不在就看有沒有free frame(從list or lru拿),記得個別處理remove frame,
從page_table內把remove frame對應的victim page_id拿掉。

NewPgImp:為了AllocatePage的page_id,在buffer pool上清出一個空間。
如果buffer pools裡的page都為pinned->沒有空間了,return nullptr;


DeletePgImp:初始化(還回free_list_)buffer pool上 given page_id 的空間。
如果page_id不存在pages_,任務達成return true。
pin_count > 0,有thread在用無法初始化,return false。

  • task #3
  • todo 從76score branch,把邏輯對一對,cout拔掉,測試過了就交…
  • 回來把code改寫完成了,結果跑出autograder failed to execute correctly是哪招…明明style也檢查過了

Hash Tables

  • Hash Table(Static):
  1. Hash Funciton:map keys(large space) to array index(small space), return a integer representaion of the given key
    • trade-off:fast v.s collision rate。
  2. Hash Scheme:handle collision after hashing。
    • trade-off:allocate large array v.s non efficient insert/find operations
    1. linear probing:find empty/desired slot if hash idx slot is full/not desired
  3. situation:use in join

  • Dynamic Hash Tables
  1. Chained Hashing:each key maps to a linked-list
    • easy to implement, worst case operation will become O(n)
  2. Extendible Hashing
    • resize and rehash in the same time
    • problem:global latch
  3. Linear Hashing

  • conclusion:good for database as internal data structure other than table index case(need ordering, so b+ tree is better)

Tree Indexes I

  • table index:a replica of table, should be sync with table

  • B means balance
  • B tree:key存在所有node(inner, leaf)裡 -> no duplicate keys
  • B+ tree:key存在leaf node裡 -> duplicate keys
    • M keys in one node -> M + 1 children(# of intervals caused by M keys)
    • Every node other than the root, is at least half-full -> M/2-1 ≤ #keys ≤ M-1
    • node:meta-data、arrays of key-value pairs
    • key:table index column, value:tuple data or tuple data pointer
    • insert:keep # keys in one node satisfy property, otherwise do split operation
    • delete:keep # keys in one node satisfy property, otherwise do merge operation

  • index types:
    1. Clustered Indexes:
      1. each table has one Clustered Indexes
      2. tuple is sorted(by primary key)
    2. Compound Index:use more than one attribute to build index

  • Optimizations
  1. Prefix Compression:store keys same prefix + keys different suffix
  2. Suffix Truncation:use minimum prefix to route to correct index
  3. Bulk Insert:sort keys and bottom up build index
  4. Pointer Swizzling:node stores page_id as reference to other nodes(need to go to buffer pool to get page pointer) -> stores page corresponding page pointer(valid)

Tree Indexes II

  • handle duplicate keys in b+ tree:Append Record Id

  • no index or can’t find index to use -> sequential scan
  • database will create index on primary key, otherwise we have no choice but sequential scan

Implicit Indexes

  • Primary Keys
  • Unique Constraints
  • Foreign Keys(the attribute be referenced to should be unique)

Partial Indexes

  • create index on subset of table
          ON foo (a, b)
       WHERE c = 'WuTang';

  • radix tree = compact trie

Inverted Indexes

  • b+ tree index is good at point/range query
  • not good at keyword search -> full-text search index/inverted index

Multi-Threaded Index Concurrency Control

  • Concurrency control
  1. Logical Correctness:
  2. Physical Correctness:

  • Latch Modes:
  1. Read Mode: multiple threads in the same time
  2. Write Mode: one thread in the same time

HASH TABLE LATCHING: no deadlock, because requiring latchs happened in same direction

  1. Page Latches
  2. Slot Latches


  1. Latch Crabbing/Coupling
    1. acquire parent latch
    2. acquire child latch
    3. if child is safe, release parent latch
    • release the latch on node which has more children first(top to bottom)
    • all modifications start from taking write latch on root node -> bottle neck, so change to take read latch instead
  2. Better Latching Algorithm
    • get read latch all the way down to leaf node(write latch), and check leaf node is safe or not
    • if not safe, do Latch Crabbing/Coupling

LEAF NODE SCAN(range query)

  • might have deadlock, so abort myself when desired latch can’t acquire
  • Delayed Parent Updates(lazy update, apply for insert operation): Update parent node the next time that a thread takes a write latch on it.

Sorting & Aggregations

Query Processing

  • Data flows from leaves nodes to root node(query result)


  • Don’t waste time on wating I/O request, so asynchronously fetch next runs while CPU processing the current runs

General External Merge Sort


  • Sorting Phase: pages分成多個chunks,chunk可以完整放進memory,在memory裡排序好再放回disk。
  • Merge Phase: 從小runs到大runs
  • pass0:
    • B buffer pages
    • ceiling(n / b)個大小為 B 的sorted runs
  • pass1,2,3…: 合併B-1個runs
  • Complexity:
    • number of passes: 1 + ceiling(lg(b-1)ceing(N/B))
    • cost per pass: 2N
    • total cost: number of passes * cost per pass


  • Clustered B+ Tree: order of key in b+ tree is equal to order of actual location of tuples
  • B+Tree index on the sort attribute(s)
  • use B+ tree only when there is Clustered B+ Tree case


  1. by Sort
  2. by Hash
    1. Partition Phase: 根據hash的結果把tuple放到partition裡
    2. Rehash Phase: 利用temp hash table計算aggregation的結果