Java Multithreading
好久沒發文了,這次來分享一下最近上完的Udemdy課程的心得筆記,然後也附上在公司的code sharing用的講稿XD。
Section 1
- Responsiveness on UI(can achieve by only one core -> Concurrency)
- Performance(can achieve by multiple core -> parallel)
- Program from disk -> (load into memory) -> an instance of application(process)
- process
- shard data(File, Heap, Code)
- threads(at least one main thread)
- stack
- instruction pointer(address of next excuted instruction)
Section 2
Context switch
- define
- store current thread data into memory
- restore next executed thread data
- Thrashing: spend too much time on doing context switching when too many threads situation
- Thread context switch is cheaper than Process context switch
Thread Scheduling
- FCFC or shortest first might have some problems
- modern Thread Scheduling algorithm: each thread get executed portionly in fiexd time slice(epochs)
- Dynamic Priority = Static Priority(set in program) + Bonus, to prevent some threads not get change to be executed(starvation)
Thread Creation
- pass an runnable object to Thread constructor
- implement a class that extends Thread class
Section 3
Thread Termination
- application will not stop as long as at least one thread is running, even if main thread is stopping
- thread.interrupt() need to be used with Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted() or catch (Exception e)
- Daemon Thread: prevent application running even when main thread stop
Thread Coordination(introduce)
- context: Thread B computation depends on Thread A result, then how Thread B need to start working after Thread A finish?
- Thread B looping check Thread A finish? -> waste CPU resource
- Thread Join: use thread.join(timeout) to wait this thread at most timeout milisecond -> handle timeout threads
need to use join avoid race condition -> one thread is not finished when checking,
but before application finish, it becomes finished but have no chance to change finished state...
Section 4
performance metric
- latency
- achieve optimal performance -> N(number of thread) should close to number of cores
- throughput(introduce)
Use case
- Latency: image processing
- Throughput: improve throughput by # threads
- Thread Pool: eliminate the cost of recreating threads for each task
Section 5
- Memory Region
- Stack: each thread have its own stack
- Heap: shared by each threads
- shared resources between threads
- Race Condition: multiple threads use non-atomic operation on shared resource
Section 6
synchronization happened on object level
Two ways for handling critical section problem, both use synchronized keyword
- Monitors on method
- synchronized section
Atomic Operation
- volatile keyword: use for assign long/double type variable
- operations:
- assignment to primitive type variable
- assignment to reference
- assignment to long/double using volatile
Data Race
- reorder instructions order(for high performance, and no dependency between lines of code)may cause this problem
- sol: use volatile to guarantee order
- number of lock for shared resources
- single
- easy but lost benefit of parrallel execution
- multiple
- have benefit of parrallel execution but may cause deadlock
- single
- 4 condtions to cause Deadlock
- easiest solution: avoid circular wait(acquire lock in same order)
Section 7
- avoid lock not be unlocked -> use finaly keyword to unlock
- use tryLock() to check current lock is available, and to avoid thread suspend.
- if not check, execution will proceed therefore critical section is not being protected
- motivation: prevent read threads block each others
- properties:
- read threads will not block other read thread
- read/write threads will block opposite thread
Section 8
- a lock restricts number of threads to access resource
- disadvantage: other thread may ralease Semaphore that acquired by other thread, which results in bug that multiple threads go into critical section in same time.
- release() -> -= 1
- acquire() -> += 1
- if cnt != 0 -> mean blocking
- Quiz 12: Semaphores - Barrier(introduce)
Inter-Thread Communication
- cases
- thread.sleep()
- thread.join()
- acquire/release Semaphore
- Condition Variable
- await()
- notify()
- Quiz 13: Condition Variables -> difference between codition variable usage
Section 9
- Lock-Free technique
- lock might have some problems:
- thread A get lock, and before unlock thread A be context swithed to thread B, and thread B require same lock with thread A, then blocking happened…
- introduce: atomic-integer-example
- 4:08. 31. Atomic Integers & Lock Free E-Commerce, example showcase why we need to use join instead of thread.sleep()
- even thought each method is atomic, that wrap method is not atomic!!!
- lock might have some problems:
- AtomicReference: do atomic operations on reference of object
- CAS(CompareAndSet): prevenet other thread modify value unexpectedly
Section 10